Unfortunately, our catapult platform, which is part of our adrenaline package, is currently under repair, instead we provide a replacement experience! Thank you for your understanding!


Itt tudod beváltani jegytípusra vagy értékre szóló utalványodat! 🎟️🎉

Mielőtt belevágnánk:

👉 Legyen kéznél az utalványod, kuponod, mert kelleni fog a kódja! 🧾🔑

📌 Ha nem adott jegytípusra szól, hanem összegre, akkor ismerd meg a VR-élményeinket: https://vrparkbudapest.hu/elmenyek/, mert választanod kell a foglaláshoz!

🕹️ Válaszd ki a kívánt élménycsomagot, a számodra szimpatikus, elérhető dátumot és időpontot!

Ezután jelöld meg az ingyenes (Jegyek és ajándékutalványok beváltása) jegykategóriát, és add meg a létszámot!

💡 Amennyiben különbözet adódna (érték alapú utalvány esetén), azt a helyszínen fogod tudni rendezni érkezéskor!

📝 Foglaláskor kérjük add meg az utalvány sorszámát!

Ha elakadnál, emailben keress minket az info@vrparkbudapest.hu címen, melyre 24 órán belül válaszolunk! 📧⏳

🎮 Jó szórakozást kíván a VR Vidámpark csapata! 🌟✨

Thank you for choosing us to redeem your voucher or coupon!

Before we get started:

Keep your voucher or coupon handy, because you will need your code!

If it’s not for a specific ticket type but for an amount, you need to know our ticket types (see Buy Tickets menu), because you need to choose to make a reservation!

Find out when would be the best time for you, because you need to book a specific date!

Type of vouchers:

  • Select the type of voucher (in the case of a coupon, select the coupon) and enter the code you need.
    If you have more than one of the same type, write them all down!
    If you have vouchers purchased from different places, select Other and write down all the information in the code!
    The code of the voucher purchased from us starts with TC.
    For the Experience Plaza, you need the experience code and the security code.
    If you don’t have one of the listed ones or you are not sure, select Other!

Ticket types:

  • Whether it’s a voucher/coupon based on an amount or for a specific programme, you must choose one (or more) of the following ticket types and no changes will be possible later, as this will be the basis on which we will record your booking.

Date/Time/Number of people/Notes:

  • Let us know when and how many people you want to come with!
    If there is no time available, we will contact you on your contact details to arrange a new date!
    If you have to pay a difference due to a larger number of people, you can settle it at the cash desk on arrival.

Name/Email/Telephone number

  • To make a reservation, you will need a name to identify yourself on arrival.
    If there are several of you, one name is still enough, and it’s OK if you have a different name than the person who will be coming (e.g. parent’s name).
  • In all cases, your booking will be confirmed by email to the email address below within 24 hours (check your spam folder too!).
    If you do not receive an email, please call us.
    We will only call you if we need to make a special arrangement for any reason, but the booking will still be confirmed by email.